Mr. Garzio handles a variety of Matrimonial Law, Family Law, Criminal Law, Estate Planning, Municipal Matters and Real Estate.

DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW - A family law attorney practices in child custody, visitation rights, domestic violence, juvenile dependency, marital property rights, adoption, paternity, alimony and child support obligations. These laws are imposed as "state laws" and may vary from state to state. Mr. Garzio has been handling divorce and family law matters for over 15 years.

MUNICIPAL COURT MATTERS - If you were charged in Municipal Court with a traffic offense, it may result in court imposed penalties of fines and costs and in some cases, the potential loss of driving privileges in your state and/or jail time. Our office handles municipal matters in the counties of Mercer, Burlington, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean.

REAL ESTATE - When an individual or entity purchases real property from another person or entity, a real estate attorney may handle preparing and reviewing documents related to the transfer of said real estate. The real estate attorney and/or staff often prepare all closing documents, write title insurance policies, complete title searches on the property and handle the transfer of funds for the purchase. The attorney, or his or her staff, also prepares forms such as the HUD-1 Form and related transfer of funds documentation for the buyer's lender (if the purchase is being financed). Mr. Garzio also has a licensed Realtor on staff.

ESTATE PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION - Preparing a plan to preserve and protect the transfer of your assets to loved ones may be accomplished through a Will. With an understanding of your goals and objectives, a Will may be tailored by your attorney to address your specific circumstances and provide a sense of comfort. The sudden death of a loved one often creates an environment of intense emotions that may produce disagreements or unintended consequences. Adequate legal and financial planning is effective to decrease costs and gain of control over important financial and personal circumstances.


Office Location - Golden Crest Corporate Center
2273 State Highway 33 - Suite 207 - Hamilton, New Jersey  08690
phone: (609) 890-3335 - fax: (609) 890-1808

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